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iNtima TI - Tally Integration

Tally Integration

Create Account

Export in real time

View transactions

View status

Tally Integration

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IMS & Tally

Bidirectional Dataflow

Cumtom Services

Data Stagging


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Integration setup

Tally to IMS

IMS to Tally

Resend Transactions 


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Transaction Driven



Sales / Purchase

Credit / Debit Note

Supported Transactions

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Tally Integration - real time data export

IMS - Inventory Management System, an integrated portal

Supports Sales, Purchase and Inventory functions

IMS is integrated with Tally ERP package

Supports financial transactions


Currently supported vouchers:

Payments, Receipt

Purchase, Sales

Debit Note , Credit Note


Architecture & Data Flow - bidirectional data transfer

IMS -> Staging -> Services -> Tally

IMS writes to Staging Table

IMS Invokes service to send to Tally

Service saves the response in Staging Table

Tally -> Services -> Staging -> IMS

IMS Invokes service to read from Tally (Download)

IMS service received writes to Staging Table

IMS reads data from Staging Table


Integration setup

Setup Ledgers and global accounts

Setup customers and suppliers

Tally to IMS

Download and view Ledgers

Download and view Vouchers

IMS to Tally

View all transactions sent from IMS to Tally

View send status and reasons for error

Transaction Driven

Send Transactions to Tally

Resend Transactions

Transaction Driven - Typical Sales transaction

IMS Creates a Sales Transactions
IMS updates sales Tables
IMS reads integration setup 
Identifies matching accounts from setup tables

IMS constructs Tally request
IMS sends transaction to Tally
IMS receives transaction Master Key and saves it along with the transaction data.