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iNtima OMS - Order Management System

Quick Quotes

Create RFQ

Create Quote

Update Quote

Split Quote

Merge Quote

Quote to  Sales Order

Quick Quotes

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Easy Order Fulfill

Create Work Order

Supplier Order

Manage EQ's

Set Priority


Delivery Note

Order Fulfilment

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Receipts Tracking

Create Proforma

Create Invoice

Send invoice

Payment Entry

Credit Notes

Follow up's

Track Receipts

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Manage OMS

Manage Users

Manage Customers

Manage Suppliers

Price Matrix

Procuct Master

Item Master


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Create accurate quotes quickly - be ahead of competition.

Auto Read RFQs :   Integration of emails, APIs FTP or online portal to read in customer RFQs automatically.

Monitor RFQs: Complete control over RFQ status. Integrated comminication via internal or customer notifications.

Collaborate with Technical team : Prepare accurate quote with the help of your technical team, increase customer trust.

Create Quote from RFQ: One click RFQ to Quote.

Querries and Custom Notes : Custom querries and notification options.

Quote multiple options: Easily prepare quote with different combinations like Quantity, Delivery date etc.

Quote Template: Save multiple templates to further automate the process.

Split Quote : Split one quote in to multiple quotes.

Merge Quote : Merge multiple quotes based onselected items.

Create Sales Order: once click order Sales order creation from quote.

Easy Order Fulfillment

One click conversion of quote to sales order.

Order review: Automated email contact to customer in case of descrepency.

 Automated  order confirmation : for all straight thru orders. 

Work order created along with order confirmation.

Purchase order created in case of external  procurement.

Set priority : Automatic rule based or individual orders.

Credit check: Automated customer credit check based on set limit.

Block- release customer accounts: based on payment history.

Proforma invoice creaton for advance receipts.

Complete order history for traceability.

Custom order details storred apart from standard details.

customer order data, files, Customer querries and NCs storred for easy access.

Customer order history and specific guidelines storred for easy access.

Receipts Tracking

Auto generate invoices based on set rules.

Generate multiple part invoice for one multi stage orders.

Generate single combined invoice for multiple orders.

Generate Credit note for excess payment or cancelled/rejected orders.

Generate debit note for suplier payments.

Auto Read RFQs from email or Portal

Monitor RFQ status

Collaborate with Technical team

Create Quote from RFQ

Querries and Custom Notes

Manage OMS

Auto Read RFQs from email or Portal

Monitor RFQ status

Collaborate with Technical team

Create Quote from RFQ

Querries and Custom Notes

Auto Read RFQs from email or Portal

Monitor RFQ status

Collaborate with Technical team

Create Quote from RFQ

Querries and Custom Notes