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iNtima Ecom - Complete e-Commerce Solution

Shopping cart

Link to shopping

Save for later

Returns information

Auto-save cart

Shopping Cart

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Easy-to-use checkout

Single-Page, Fast Checkout

Optimize for mobile-friendly

Multiple payment options

Progress indicator


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Payment gateway

Multipayment Method

Multichannel Processing

Direct Payment link

Responsive mobile interface

Payment gateway

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Fast Scaling

Social sign-in

Multi currency


Customization of features

Add New Features

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Shopping Cart - improves shopping experience

Dynamic Pricing based on supplier price matrices

Customer document management

Manage queries and responses

Route customer orders to suppliers

Manage supplier confirmations

Manage orders based on importance, urgency etc

Reorders, scheduled deliveries etc

Product Page

Shiopping options

Quick Payments

Easy to checkout - a game changer for your business

Instant Price details and allow to place order for that product

Customers can store items for future orders

Online payment or deferred payments for select customers

Multiple Shipping addresses

Track Order delivery status

View Invoices and Payments

Pruduct listing for the selected items

Download quotation (PCB items) for verification

View details on the ordered items

Graphical Progress indicator

Multiple payment options - net banking, Credit /Debit card

Secure payment gateway

Payment Gateway - easy to use

Accept All Payment Modes

Checkout and Global Card Saving

Robust Security

Easy to Use

Display local currencies

Real-time currency conversion

All major cards accepted

Settlements in INR available

Fast scaling to support organizational growth

Support multiple currency

Support Multiple Laguages

Support system configuration based on business model

Asynchronous communication protocol

Optimizing page load

Automatic load balancing, clustering, and parallel processing.

Generic design to accomodate new features easily

Support cloud hosting