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TA Complete - Software Test Automation Framework

Integrated Framework

Script Recorder

Script Execution Engine

Test Result Storage

Test Debugger

View Results

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Multiple Environment

Easy Development

Faster Execution

Instant Deployment

Track Receipts

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Operational process

Development Process

Deployment and Execution

Supported Components

Usage Scenarios


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Mode of Service

Central hosting

Localized hosting

Customized TA complete

Customized automation

Order Fulfilment

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Selenium based test script creation and execution framework

A powerfulscript  execution  engine and simplies browser operations

Easy test script generation by record and play

Create once and use  any number of iterations

Create Script - Execute script - view result

Integrated debugger  to resolve any script issues

Can execute scripts in Browser/Windows as part of one flow

Can be extended to monitor system resources

Useful for testing both Web application and  windows application

Support cross platforms test execution

Application Features

Integrated to script, execute and view results
Based on Open source technologies
Cross Browser Supported
Domain agnostic environment

Execute simultaneous sessions on a single PC
Execute in multiple runtime environments
Records Logs and Stores screenshots


Keyword based test automation environment
Simple to use keywords and grammar 
Record , Customize and execute scripts 
Modular code enables reuse

Scale applications by deploying on many systems
Extensible to include Application test functions
Split test cases and execute on multiple hosts

Operational Process

Development Process

Record Application Navigation
Save the script
Import the script to TA Complete
Parameterize the inputs
Test the script using debugger
Save the script as a reusable module

Components supported

DB component  and DB Tasks
Scheduled Execution
Terminal Emulation
Jira Interface
Jenkins integration

Deployment and Execution

Install TA Complete on target environments
Create and update environment data
Copy or Import script database
Execute the scripts
View Results and identify problems.
Schedule Runs in the same machine

Usage Scenarios

Web Application Testing
Windows Application Testing
Integration Testing
Repetitive browser tasks
Monitoring - availability of web pages, resources etc

Mode of Service

iNtima Infotech provides test automation services in different modes.

TA complete

Product Sales Service

Web Application Test Automation
Create the Test scripts
Execute periodically
Support New releases by script updating

Central hosting or Localized hosting
On site hosting
Cloud Hosting and metered billing

Customize TA Complete
Create core components that can help in testing target application and embed these keywords in the IDE

Customized Test automation
Using QTP, Selenium and similar toolset.
Partner to develop turn key Unit testing, API testing etc