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iNtima BOM - Bill of Materials - Auto Quote

Import BOM

Excel based data sheet

Support multiple datasheets

Customised BOM templates

Mapping of fields

Import BOM

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Search and Compare

Simultaneous search

Customise search

Customised comparison

Get supplier's list

Compare Prices

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Create PO

Save RFQ

Shortlist L1 vendors

Create PO

Send to Vendor

Create PO

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Create Quotation

Save RFQ

Create Quotation

Edit Quotation

Integrate IMS

Create Quotation

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Import BOM

BOMs is built on templates

Support multiple data sheets. Each can be managed separately

Customizable format of template

Align with the need specifically for the PCB Industry

BOM templates are predefined and can be altered easily.

Allow mapping of the key columns to the template columns based on customer

The mappings can be stored in local templates

Search and Compare

Allows search of potential vendors on the internet 

Look up simultaneously multiple vendor's sites

Part search is configurable to exclude regions, vendors etc

Criteria of search - availability and optimal pricing 

Allow to include MOQ, Taxes, Shipping etc

Identify L1 supplier for each part.

Compare prices with 2 offline vendors as well

Support storing commonly used parts in local database

Create PO

PO gets created from saved  RFQ

Identify L1 vendors for different parts from the system suggested list

Create a PO for each of the shortlisted vendors

Support edit and saving in PDF format

Auto send to vendor

Auto Read RFQs from email or Portal

Monitor RFQ status

Collaborate with Technical team

Support Querries and Custom Notes

Create Quotation

Create a Quotation for entire RFQ

Create new Quotation. 

Edit an existing Quotation

Send Quotation to requestor

Integrate Quotations with Intima IMS

Monitor RFQ status

Collaborate with Technical team

Querries and Custom Notes